Monday, June 12, 2017

Bamboo beverage

Apakah itu Ekstrak bambu?

Ekstrak Bambu, juga dikenal sebagai air bambu, adalah bentuk bambu yang dimurnikan dan dikondensasi. 

Ekstraknya berasal dari daun dan tangkai bambu
Secara resmi dikenal sebagai Bambuosa vulgaris. Bambu merupakan tanaman edible yang tumbuh secara alami di seluruh daerah tropis.

Selama bertahun-tahun, bambu telah dimakan oleh hewan - termasuk panda - dan digunakan oleh manusia hanya untuk membuat perabotan. 

Namun saat ini, para ilmuwan telah menyadari bahwa bambu memiliki beberapa manfaat yang terkandung dalam tangkainya dan daunnya.

Bambu adalah salah satu sumber silika organik terbaik di dunia. Kekurangan silika dapat menyebabkan masalah kesehatan yang tidak menguntungkan, termasuk kulit dan rambut berkualitas rendah dan risiko keriput meningkat.

Di jaman dahulu, orang mendapatkan asupan silika harian mereka melalui suplemen ekstrak ekor kuda. Suplemen ini hanya menghasilkan silika organik 5% sampai 8% berat. 

Ekstrak bambu, mengandung 70% silika organik menurut beratnya, yang berarti 10 kali lebih manjur daripada suplemen silika yang paling populer sekalipun di pasaran saat ini.

Cara kerja Ekstrak bambu

Seiring bertambahnya usia, banyak orang yang berusia 40 tahun dan lebih tua kekurangan silika tapi mereka tidak mengetahuinya.

Ekstrak bambu bekerja dengan meningkatkan kadar silika alami tubuh. 
Bila tubuh Anda mendapatkan nilai silika harian yang direkomendasikan, maka Anda dapat mengalami manfaat berikut:

- Tulang, Gigi, dan Kuku yang Lebih Sehat
- Mengurangi Keriput dan Kulit Lebih Cantik
- Tebal, Rambut terlihat lebih cantik

Banyak orang baru menyadari setelah mereka berusia 40 tahun, bahwa mereka mulai kehilangan rambut atau kulit mereka mulai terasa lebih keriput. 

Jelas, beberapa efek ini terjadi seiring bertambahnya usia - namun dengan mengkonsumsi suplemen silika seperti ekstrak bambu, terbukti banyak orang telah mampu mengurangi efek penuaan pada tubuh mereka.

Sebenarnya, Anda juga bisa mendapatkan silika Anda dari sumber makanan lain, termasuk sereal, apel, ceri, almond, jeruk, ikan, benih, dan gandum tertentu yang tidak dimurnikan. Namun tentu harganya lebih mahal dibanding dengan Ektrak bambu.

Hal lainnya, untuk mendapatkan silika melalui sumber-sumber diatas adalah bahwa bentuk silika yang didapat hanya alumina-silikat. Bukan bentuk silika yang paling dibutuhkan.

Artinya, orang bisa "tertipu" bahwa mereka mengharapkan nilai silika yang direkomendasikan untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari tapi hanya sedikit yang diasup tubuh mereka.

Akhirnya, bagaimanapun ekstrak bambu dianggap sebagai bentuk silika yang paling banyak tersedia di bumi ini.

Gizi yang terkandung dalam Ekstrak bambu

Ekstrak bambu memiliki beberapa manfaat lain selain kadar silika yang tinggi.

Untuk 100 gram Extract bambu memiliki nutrisi :

- 2,65 gram protein (lebih tinggi dari kebanyakan sumber tanaman lainnya)
- 0,5 gram lemak
- 2,50 gram gula
- Delapan Essential And Two Semi-Essential Amino Acids
- Konten Air 90%

Angka di atas didasarkan pada penelitian dari rata-rata 27 jenis bambu yang berbeda. Ada beberapa bambu memiliki protein sebanyak 5 gram setiap porsi 100 gram.

Berdasarkan yang dikutip dari tentang manfaat makan rebung:
"Penelitian modern menemukan bahwa rebung memiliki sejumlah manfaat obat, mulai dari pencegahan kanker dan penurunan berat badan hingga meningkatkan nafsu makan dan pencernaan. Ini juga rendah gula dan karena itu dapat digunakan untuk mengobati hipertensi, hiperlipidemia dan hiperglikemia. "

Selain itu, situs tersebut mengklaim bahwa rebung mengandung sifat anti kanker:
"Ilmuwan Jepang menemukan bahwa rebung mengandung agen anti kanker dan baik untuk program diet karena efektif menghilangkan radikal bebas yang dapat menghasilkan karsinogen berbahaya".

Bagaimana? Anda tertarik untuk mencobanya?

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Bamboo for healt

Bamboo Charcoal Soap Recipe

Bamboo charcoal powder is prized in Asia for its skin care benefits. It’s great to use with any skin type, but absolutely heaven for oily skin!
Charcoal powder absorbs toxins, impurities and excess oil by penetrating deep into the pores. It will gently exfoliate your skin without leaving any residues behind, and its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties make it ideal for anyone who suffers from acne, psoriasis and eczema.
When in contact with water, charcoal powder releases many beneficial minerals, such as calcium, potassium and magnesium, creating a soothing, relaxing hot spring-water like effect.

Bamboo Charcoal Soap Recipe

This recipe makes a lovely soap with a rich black lather that cleanses deeply and leaves the skin feeling soft and refreshed:

Run this recipe through a lye calculator to find out how much lye, water and oils you’ll need for a given amount of soap. To make a 2 pound batch at 5% superfat, you’ll need:
  • 9.6 oz palm oil
  • 8 oz olive oil
  • 8 oz coconut oil
  • 4.8 oz palm kernel oil
  • 1.6 oz castor oil
  • 12.1 oz water
  • 4.7 oz lye (NaOH)
  • 1 tbsp bamboo charcoal powder
Follow standard cold process procedures. Mix the charcoal powder with a small amount of melted oils until fully dissolved, then add to the rest of the oils at light trace. Palm kernel oil can speed up trace, so be vigilant.
For fragrance, I used a blend of cedarwood atlasylang ylang and orange essential oils. This synergy is woody and slightly sweet. Fresh scented oils, such as lemongrass or peppermint, would also work well for this soap, enhancing the deep cleanse feel you get after using it.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

The bamboo villa

Bamboo villa

Bamboo the green solution

Bamboo the green solution

Planting bamboo is one of the best ways to help our environment.  
Bamboo is a crucial element in the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.  A grove of bamboo release 35% more oxygen than an equivalent stand of trees. Because of this, planting bamboo is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and help fight global warming. A perfect selection for Going Green. 

Bamboo is a great ‘Green Solution’.   

Bamboo is a wonderful replacement plants for trees with its short growth cycle and a high carbon dioxide exchange rate. 
Bamboo is a grass with 80 genera and over 1200 documented species. A mature grove of bamboo sends up new shoots every year. 
These new shoots reach their full size in just a couple months. Some grow 47 inches in 24 hours and can reach over 100 feet in height within 60 days. 
This short growth cycle makes it a great replacement for our slow growing forest that are being steadily cut back. 
It can provide erosion control when other plants wash away. 
It can screen out unsightly areas and provide a noise barrier in the process. 
It will not take over the world and I cannot tell you how many discussions we have had over the years with that one. 
As it has been dated back several thousand years it should have already choked out everything by now if that was true.

Bambo Facts

  • The Bamboos (Bambusoidaea) consists of 1439 different species in 116 genera. It is one of the 12 subfamilies of the grass family (Poaceae) and the only one to diversify in forests. Bamboo is a great plant for individuals concern with a green environment.
  • Bamboo is the fastest growing plant on this planet. It has been recorded growing at an amazing 47.6 inches in a 24 hour period.
  • Bamboo is a crucial element in the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. A grove of bamboo release 35% more oxygen than an equivalent stand of trees. Because of this, planting bamboo is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and help fight global warming.
  • Bamboo is a viable replacement for wood. It can be harvest in 3-5 years versus 10-20 for most softwoods. It can out yield pine 6 to 1 in biomass production. It is also one of the strongest building materials with a tensile strength of 28,000 psi. To help give you an idea how much this is, mild steel measures 23,000 psi.
  • It is a great soil conservation tool. It greatly reduces erosion with a sum of stem flow rate and canopy intercept of 25%. This dramatically reduces rain run-off, preventing massive soil erosion and making it very earth friendly.
  • Bamboo can be eaten (new shoots), made into fiber for clothing, it can be used in concrete reinforcement, in can provide great livestock feed with the foliage being up to 22% protein, it can be machined into numerous forms of lumber, etc. It might be easier to compile a list of what bamboo cannot be used for than what it is used for.
  • Bamboo can also tolerate extreme conditions that most plants cannot. It was actually the first plant to re-green after the atomic blast in Hiroshima in 1945.
There are many reasons to choose bamboo and us as your source. We are dedicated to customer service and committed to helping you find the perfect bamboo for your situation

Our bamboo are properly acclimated for outside planting. They are not fragile greenhouse divisions. While greenhouse plants may look good, they are not harden off and usually suffer or die when planted in the elements.

If you need my assistant, contact me at:

Bamboo flooring and decking

Bamboo decking